Sadhana is a spiritual movement consciously systematised. Sadhana is the purpose for which we have come to this place. The object of Sadhana is to release life from the limitations with which it is bound. ~ Swami Sivananda
Welcome to Sadhana Now!
We are spiritual aspirants living an inspired life based on a daily practice and the teachings that we have received. We hold space for this wonderful spiritual community from all around the world and facilitate bringing Yogic teachings and its philosophy into your life and home, wherever you are. Sharing the teachings we receive through the guidance of our teachers, we wish to benefit society and encourage growth and wish to support your personal spiritual evolution. This support is based on integrity, love, gratitude and in honour to the power of transformation.
Through Satsang, practice and study of the essence of Yogic teachings, nourish your understanding of your individual spiritual journey and grow your awareness of the unity that underlies all names and forms.
The foundations of our teachings are:
Swami Sivanandas teachings: the 4 paths of Karma Yoga, Bhakti Yoga, Raja Yoga and Jnana Yoga as means of purification to realise our true nature as pure consciousness
Advaita Vedanta Philosophy
Ayurveda, the science of Life
Classical Hatha Yoga
Our teachings come from different Darshanas (traditional schools of Hindu Philosophy) such as Yoga (of Patanjali Maharishi), Vedanta and Samkhya Philosophy and complement each other profoundly to deepen our awareness of our true nature.
Welcome to Sadhana Now! Please feel at home. You are welcome here just as you are!
What we do and offer: Study of ancient Yoga Philosophy, Vedanta Philosophy and Ayurveda via online Courses Bhakti Yoga Courses and Workshops Yoga and Meditation Retreats Satsang (combination of Guided Meditation, chanting, spiritual discourse) Classical Hatha Yoga Courses Yogic Study Progam Kirtan Events Teaching how to play the harmonium
Pablo Narayana was born in Mexico City in 1985. He studied International Business at Universidad Panamericana, as he was afraid to follow his heart and study a humanistic career that was what he really wanted. He thought it was his duty to make money and wear a tie and jacket every single day. In 2008 he finished university and a big change in his life made him approach to photography as a career. In addition to being a photographer he is passionate about innovation, technology and media, so since 2013 gives consultancy to companies that want to improve their way of communicating. In 2011 he took a Yoga class and his life started to change (again), never thinking he would become a yoga teacher he went to an ashram to deepen his own practice. He spent 4 years traveling and living in ashrams blessed to learn from great teachers. Part of his practice is sharing what he has learned. He has been sober since 2010 and puts all the possible time into working with other addicts.
Inspired daily by:
SATART YOUR SADHANA NOW by Swami Sivananda Act now. Live now. Know now. Realize now. Be happy now. Every death is a reminder. Every bell that rings says, “The end is near”. Every day robs off from you one part of your precious life. Therefore, you should be very earnest in plunging yourself in constant Sadhana. Never fall a victim to fruitless regret. Today is the best day. Today is the day of your new birth. Start Sadhana now. With folded palms, bid good-bye to past mistakes and faults. You have learnt your lessons. March forward now with new hope, determination, and vigilance. Waver not. Fear not. Doubt not. Do something substantial in the path of Sadhana instead of wasting your time in idle pursuits and lethargy. You have infinite strength within you. There is a vast reservoir of power within you. Therefore, do not lose heart. Obstacles are stepping stones to success. They will develop your will. Do not allow yourself to be crushed by them. Defects remind you of perfection. Sin reminds you of virtue. Chose the positive path. If you think, “I will take a bath when all the waves of the sea subside”, this is not possible. The waves will never subside and you will never take a bath. Even so, if you think, “I will start spiritual Sadhana or meditation when all my cares, worries and anxieties cease, when all my sons are fixed up in life, when I have ample leisure after retirement”, this is not possible. You will not be able to sit even for half an hour when you become old. You will have no strength to do any rigorous Tapas when you are in advanced senility. You must start vigorous spiritual practices when you are young, whatever your conditions, circumstances and environments may be. Then only you will reap a rich spiritual harvest when you become old. You will enjoy the everlasting peace of the Eternal.